Pass it on.
Volunteer with us and share what makes you amazing.

Blog / June 30th, 2023

2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup

After the excitement of last year’s Euros, many more young women now see football as accessible and exciting. 1 leader in Anglia now has a quarter of her Guides playing in the local league! Here are some ideas from young members of 1st Fakenham Guides on what they’ll be doing in their World Cup-themed evening….

Blog / June 15th, 2023

Great Big Green Week Blog

On the 10 June this year, it’s the start of the very exciting Great Big Green Week! This is all about climate change and nature, which fits in perfectly with our new RSPB Feel Good in Nature challenge pack. So, what is the Great Big Green Week? It’s the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community…

Blog / June 1st, 2023

Passing it on

May saw the national big help out day and the launch of phase 1 of our Anglia awareness and recruitment campaign – Pass it on. In Anglia a team of volunteers and staff are part of the national growth network who pull together information and data from county growth coordinators, PR advisors, grassroot member experience…