Pass it on.
Volunteer with us and share what makes you amazing.

After a possible whirlwind of Christmas and other celebrations you may be looking forward to a time of renewal and we know the days become gradually longer although the light doesn’t seem to visibly change much in January. Can we make the most of the dark by storing up plans for the Spring and getting out in the few hours of daylight we have? Breathing outdoors in the winter cold can be invigorating and help beat the ‘winter blues’. This website has some interesting information about movement in the winter months and is a supportive community group to join to help your exercise at a time of year it’s most difficult to motivate ourselves physically:

Indoor activity like swimming or gym work can be a good option if the cold is too much. Spas and saunas are wonderfully warming when it’s cold outside, there’s bound to be one near you. We know that saunas have been used for many hundreds of years in the Scandanavian region and northern hemisphere, helping us to relax, heat our body in cold climates, inducing sweating and detoxifying our skin. It’s not for everyone but there’s plenty of online advice about health benefits and risks; see this site for example:

You might like to include this webinar in your first week of the term encouraging us to move more to feel better:

Staying well and active at this time of year is a good way to keep on top of emotional blues. The British Heart Foundation has this article on winter walking:

And the time of resolutions may be leading you in the direction of assessing your diet, to reduce some ingredients and increase the healthier items. You might support a friend as well, to boost healthier eating habits after the potential excesses of the holiday celebrations. is helpful with managing meals and the following article is to balance the sense of ‘no fun’ when dieting, called ’10 tips for healthier baking’:

Whatever your focus is this New Year remember to breathe, be kind to yourself, try something new and look up as you look ahead. Here’s to a peaceful and well-balanced 2023.

Hi everyone, my name is Georgina, and I was lucky enough to attend the most recent Peer Education training. The application process was really easy, and my county peer education co-ordinator was really supportive. Once we arrived at the campsite, I got to know everyone quickly with lots of card games and ice-breaker activities. We all helped to cook dinner together and sat around the table sharing our guiding experiences. Before long we went off to bed ready for training the next day.

In the morning, we all had breakfast together before going to another hall for the training. We started with an introduction by the three amazing peer educator trainers before moving on to communication and facilitation skills. There were many opportunities to put these skills in practice as we led mini activities within the group.  After lunch we focused on managing behaviour in sessions as well as looking at safeguarding and safety. This was made really engaging with lots of role play and practice in small groups. We then had a go at delivering a small activity for the group. This was exciting as it allowed us to practice leading sessions for different sections, as well an opportunity for the rest of us to act like Brownies, Guides or Rangers! After a quick reflection on the day’s events, we had some free time to chill out or explore the site before dinner. After making and eating our own pizza’s, we took our camp blankets and watched a movie together before hot chocolate and bed.

On Sunday, a few more peer educators joined the group for the topic training on Think Resilient. The morning sessions looked at the structure and content of the topic and the different activities that make up a Peer Education session. This was an opportunity to learn how to adapt sessions for each group, allowing them to be individualised for the unit’s needs. We also spoke about the practicalities of organising a session, including questions to ask the unit leader and how to record all the sessions we run. After lunch, we started planning our own sessions and understanding all the resources that we had been provided with. It was then time to pack up and head home.

I had an amazing weekend and have discovered a network of peer educators from across Anglia. The trainers were supportive and were able to deliver the training in a fun and interactive way. I would recommend training to become a peer educator as it is a great way to engage with lots of young people and volunteers whilst making a positive difference within your own county.


Hi everyone,

Here we are approaching the last month of this year, and I’m sure lots of you are busy with units , as we reach the end of the term. Are you going to a Malaita screening? Lots of you are I’m sure! Can you strike the pose?  Have fun, the film will be great!

Have you seen our Winter Quest? I love this badge and a great challenge to complete 24 activities this winter. This can be done during December, January or whenever you feel is the winter season. Great mini challenges with lots of fun, which could be given as an end of term badge with challenges over the festive break.

As the end of year is fast approaching, just a gentle reminder to ensure records are up to date in readiness for the new year and membership subscriptions time. Also, please do reach out if your unit needs financial support, your county has grants available -check out county websites for details. Do not worry if you need support, reach out as soon as you can. Its also a time to ensure all leaders in the unit are update to date with safe space and DBS requirements and do book on necessary training or arrange for a check to be completed. A huge thank you in advance.

As always take care, and keep smiling!
