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Find out what our Inspire coordinators got up to this summer

”Essex West Inspire’s very first opportunity to meet members came at the EIJ in summer 2024. Each day’s activities linked to a different pathway theme. At the start of the week we were stationed outside the staff canteen and met lots of new faces while bumping into some we hadn’t seen for a long time!

Halfway through we moved our location out into the main village where non staff members could also find us, this was fantastic as we got to engage with younger members and tell them all about what Inspire was for and how they could be involved when they are older.

On the last day we were in the staff quiet space which provided an opportunity for more in depth conversations about Inspire including with the Olaves of Australia, we had a brilliant session sharing the difficulties we face and brainstorming ideas to grow the involvement with Inspire.

The EIJ was also fantastic place for some of the Inspire coordinators across Anglia to meet and get to know one another. We had a great time being a part of the Jamboree and we’re very excited for the next one!”

Becca, Essex West coordinator


”This summer I was able to attend Essex International Jamboree. This was my first time at the event as well as my first time as staff. I took part as sub camp staff whilst also helping with the Inspire stand.

The jamboree overall was an amazing experience even though it was too hot all week. I was able to take part in some archery, watch many acts over at the main stage, swap some badges with guides and scouts from across the world, whilst also completing the sub camp challenge.

At the Inspire stand we were able to chat to many adults and young people about what we do and who we are. We were also able to meet the Olaves of Australia. Olaves are also 18-30! The girls mentioned that they are trying to find out about what 18-30 year olds do all over the world with guiding. We were able to share our experiences with each other and connect our ideas to hopefully improve on what we are doing in the UK.”

Danni, region coordinator



This month’s pathway is ‘leading the way’ which is all about developing leadership skills. There are so many amazing leaders within Girlguiding helping girls from 4-18 year olds to try new things and reach their potential. But building leadership skills, is not just for the girls, it can be really empowering for you too.

Being a unit leader isn’t the only way we can be ‘leading the way’, you could try leading a one-off activity in your specialist subject with a unit or on a pack holiday. If working with adults is more up your street, you could look at any county roles that are available where you can support volunteers to improve their own guiding experience.

Leadership skills can give you greater confidence, improve the way you communicate, and can help to inspire others to take initiative and make better decisions for themselves as well as for others around them.

If you’re from Hertfordshire, and would like to take part in creating a new and exciting Inspire challenge, where you can meet other Inspire members and share adventures together, contact the Inspire team on

Hi there! My name’s Katie and I’m the new apprentice for Girlguiding Anglia.

I joined as a marketing and communications apprentice in April 2023, and I can’t believe that I have already been working here for over 3 months. It has been a great experience so far and I love the fact that I am getting a Level 3 qualification at the same time as gaining experience working within marketing. The team at Girlguiding Anglia are amazing and I love working with them all.

So, why did I choose an apprenticeship?

I chose to apply for an apprenticeship because I wanted to gain additional qualifications whilst also working at the same time. I was home educated during covid, and my GCSE exams were cancelled two years in a row meaning that I had to wait until 2021 to sit my exams as I didn’t get predicted grades. This meant that I didn’t have the opportunity to do A Levels or any further education at the time. Whilst being at home, I was also training for my favourite thing, climbing! In 2022, I was selected for the GB Junior climbing team, and I travelled to lots of competitions around the world competing for Great Britain. My highlight was making the semi-finals of the Youth World Climbing Championships. It was an incredible experience and one I’ll never forget!

This year, I decided that I wanted to gain additional qualifications so I thought that an apprenticeship would be a great option for me as there are so many incredible benefits.

I’m finding my apprenticeship great because I’m gaining valuable experience and getting lots of guidance and support from my manager, Letty, whilst achieving an A Level equivalent qualification. I’m getting to do a variety of tasks meaning every day is unique and filled with different opportunities. It’s amazing that I can achieve this apprenticeship by working 30 hours per week and working at home one day a week. Another benefit is that I have a tutor who comes into the office to help me with the learning side of the course.

I’m looking forward to completing my apprenticeship in July or August 2024 and seeing what opportunities arise for the next steps in my marketing career.

I also got the opportunity to speak to Sophie over at the Girlguiding Anglia region shop to see how she was getting on with her retail assistant apprenticeship. This is what she had to say:

‘My journey with Girlguiding Anglia started in the summer of 2021 when I joined the retail team through the government’s Kickstart scheme, set up to help young people find work post-pandemic (although I could argue it started as a Rainbow!).

It was an enjoyable placement and the team made me feel welcome so when the opportunity of an apprenticeship came up, I was keen. I quickly became used to the environment but learning new skills and aspects of the role more in-depth has certainly kept me busy. A lot more goes into being a retail assistant and running a Girlguiding unit than I realised!

Through this apprenticeship I’ve felt supported by my mentor/manager and tutor to learn at my own pace in a way that works best for me. I’ve gained valuable experience but have also had time to grow in my abilities and confidence. It’s nice to have a routine again.

Now that I’m nearing the end, I’m looking forward to what’s next. The qualification I’m hoping to earn will help me in future. I hope to be here long-term, continuing to improve and getting to know our customers, volunteers and members.’

Thank you, Sophie! Good luck with finishing your apprenticeship!

If you are thinking about what to do next in your education, I’d recommend going for an apprenticeship! They are a great way to learn, get more knowledge and experience, and earn money all in one role. I’d love to hear about your apprenticeship journeys too.



On the 10 June this year, it’s the start of the very exciting Great Big Green Week! This is all about climate change and nature, which fits in perfectly with our new RSPB Feel Good in Nature challenge pack.

So, what is the Great Big Green Week?

It’s the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Every year, people come together to unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet. Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country celebrate the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change.

Last month, we asked you to share what you had been doing as part of our RSPB challenge pack and we had some lovely responses. From litter picking and gardening to outdoor cooking, you certainly have been busy!

A leader in Buckinghamshire shares, ‘’Making our Girlguiding Chesham Vale: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers space more wildlife friendly …the girls loved it as well as collecting wood for our outdoor cooking the week before.’’

Another leader mentioned: ‘’We did the litter pick last week and are exploring our meeting area with our senses this evening.’’

Some of you even sent us some lovely pictures. Look at that amazing owl! And doesn’t that raised bed just look so tidy and colourful. Good job!

With over 3000 downloads on the website, the RSPB Feel Good in Nature challenge pack has been a hit so far! To get involved in the pack, you can find it in the RSPB resources or alternatively click here to download it. The pack is aimed to be inclusive to all diverse locations in the region and improve the wellbeing of girls by connecting them with nature. Once you have completed it, you will earn yourself an excited badge made by Queen’s Guides in our region!

To see more information on the RSPB, click here:

If you’ve taken part in this challenge and want to share your story please contact and we will add you to this blog!