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The ABCs of adjustment plans

Have you ever wondered what an adjustment plan is?

Have you ever wondered what an adjustment plan is? Why you might complete one? Who can benefit and how? How do you do them?
If you have a member of your unit that you think might benefit from additional support to access your usual activities then an adjustment plan can help.
We’ll share some basic information about the process and answer all of your questions – the only silly question is the one you don’t ask.


Wednesday 7 August at 7:30pm

Thursday 10 October at 7:30pm


This course will be hosted on Zoom. Don’t worry if you have not used this before, we have some resources to help you. In order for us to support you as best as we can please think about your surroundings, find somewhere quiet, make your own refreshments and arrange childcare if needed.


Sessions are free however spaces are limited so please book a ticket via the Eventbrite.