Take a look at what's on for Girlguiding Anglia in 2022.
We have lots of exciting plans coming up, so be ahead of the game and take a look now!
Spring 2022 kicks off the year with Leadership qualification courses beginning again in January, along with other volunteer training. World Thinking Day comes around in February as we look within ourselves and to the wider WAGGGS community to celebrate our organisation and sisters around the world. April sees our region joining with LaSER for a trip to RSPB Rainham for a day of exploration and discovery. Finally, spring season rounds off with launch of Super Rainbows 2022 event boxes ready for the event month in October.
Kicking off the summer season is the Hautbois activity open day. May also sees our LEAP commissioners' training day taking place and our region photoshoot at Hautbois activity centre at the end of the month. At the beginning of June, bookings close for the Super Rainbows event boxes. Volunteers' Week continues the excitement of June, before we leap into the heart of summer when outdoor opportunities arise with the social walking weekend and the Girlguiding Anglia Jubilee beacon celebration at Hautbois activity centre, alongside Jubilee events taking place all over the region. Pride events also take place throughout the summer months, with a large events planned for our Norfolk and Suffolk counties. Lastly, there's more summer fun to be had at Hautbois in August with the Heraldy at Hautbois.
Coming into Autumn and the new term, we have the preparation for our Super Rainbows and orders being sent out ready for Super Rainbows event month in October. Our Promote and Grow Joint conference between Marketing and Communications and Growth and Retention is taking place in September. Walking weekends, Safe Space training and county level first response training will continue into Autumn.
As in Autumn, Winter will see walking weekends, Safe Space training and county level first response training will continuing, allowing our members to stay up to date with compliance as the term continues. We are committed to joining in with UK Parliament Week again this year, with it's focus being in November. As Christmas approaches we will also be looking to help more units use easyfundraising to get themselves free funding while doing their Christmas shopping, with new resources and webinars. We cannot forget our partnership with Children In Need which will launch in September and finish with the national celebration in November.