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Sue Carpenter

Retail committee chair

How long have you been in Girlguiding?

I started my Girlguiding journey the age of 10 as a Guide in LaSER, and have been Leader for for 36 years in Anglia, currently working with Rainbows and Rangers.

Describe your journey to your role:

I began my LQ when I moved to Cambridge to do a teaching degree and qualified as a Brownie Leader. I have held several roles at different levels – District Commissioner for Ely City, Chair of Programme and Training, Rainbow Adviser, Arts Adviser (twice) and County Commissioner in Cambridgeshire East and most recently Region Arts Adviser, Joint A Safe Space Lead and now Chair of Hautbois and Estates. I am also a Region Trainer and Tutor. I have been lucky enough to travel to Sangam in India, Our Chalet during Girlguiding’s centenary year and to Pax Lodge as a delegate selected by the UK on a WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme.

Anything that stands out, proud achievements:

My proudest moment was receiving my Laurel Award in February 2020, just before lockdown, and hearing one of the nomination letters had been written by a young lady who began her Guiding journey with me as a Rainbow and ended it with me as a Ranger in the unit I am an assistant leader with. Her words brought tears to my eyes!

What do you enjoy the most in your role?

I love being with the girls of course, especially the Rainbows who despite being noisy and unruly at times, always cheer me up. But I also love being at my ‘Country’ home of Hautbois either training or being a participant, or just enjoying the wonderful place that it is!

What do you enjoy the most about representing your county?

Cambridgeshire East is the best – of course!!