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The highlights so far of our annual membership experience survey

Membership experience survey 2023/24

With our annual membership experience survey closing at the end of February, we were able to share some of the preliminary results at the region chief’s all-member call on Tuesday 26 March.

With over 750 respondents this year we have over 200 pages to analyse but from our initial analysis we have been able to share the following highlights with our trustees and committee members for them to consider:

  • How can we ensure our communications remain effective, engaging, and relevant?
  • How do we ensure members from all corners of the region feel involved and considered?
  • How do we onboard everyone with the recruitment campaign without it feeling like additional work?
  • How do we ensure members feel valued regardless of their role, length of service, or location?
  • How can our retail offer deliver against the wants and needs of all members?
  • How does Hautbois Activity Centre become more accessible as a regional resource? Can we take Hautbois to all corners of our region?
  • How do we promote Anglia to all members as a service they can access and a community they belong to?
  • How do we show our accountability for subscriptions, sustainability, and long term affordability?

We’re pleased that some of the feedback will be addressed by plans already underway for 2024 and 2025 and look forward to sharing more as actions, events, and plans are discussed and signed off by trustees.

Although our survey is now closed any member of Anglia region is always welcome to make any suggestion or give feedback at any time. Visit our contact us page to send in your suggestions.

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