The Japanese art of forest bathing
Shinrin-yoku (Japanese for forest bathing)
The forest beckons and forest bathing, without swimsuits, is a phenomenon you might explore in the next few months. It’s all about slowing down, tuning in, and connecting with nature whether you’re on camp, with family, taking your dog for its exercise, taking yourself out for some outdoor exercise or picnicking in the park.
Spending time around trees with their canopies of leaves helps our feelings of happiness and frees up creativity, reducing stress hormones and lowering heart rate and blood pressure. If your immune system needs a boost, or you need to recover from an overly busy life or illness, take a cushion or mat and head for your local woods or park. Stroll across expanses of green grass cushioning your feet or sit or lie and breathe in the smell of the forest floor, the scent of sun-drenched leaves, noticing the summer breeze on your skin, being present to all your senses in that moment.
If you’re in the city, you could simulate that nature effect by closing your eyes and imagining those calm, quiet, green places that anyone can access. Stimulating the beauty of your mind’s eye.
Some sites that talk more about shinrin yoku.