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Blog / September 1st, 2022

Chief Commissioner Blog – September

Hello everyone,

September is almost upon us, it is a time of many new beginnings; new girls, new members, and even new units. If like me, you are a leader who had intentions of doing so much planning over the summer and now found that the summer has gone, and the intended planning hasn’t happened, but have enjoyed a break perhaps and taken part in lots of guiding event activities etc! The new term awaits. I’m looking forward to getting back to our guide meetings discovering what the girls have been doing over the summer and discovering what badges I need to order! I know that guiding hasn’t stopped over the summer, many girls and leaders have been on camps, holidays, trips, and outings which have offered great opportunities. I know that many units have been away during the extreme heat we have experienced and perhaps we are now looking at additional items on that lengthy risk assessment, when we take our girls away! But we can be prepared, as the saying goes.

So back to new beginnings, as well as familiarity and routine. I really like the return to unit meeting with the renewed sense of excitement, welcoming new girls and discovering how our unit will develop over this autumn term. I look back to when introduced our current programme, and how quickly the guides just pick up what’s needed, when it took me (and I’m sure I’m not alone), a while to get my head around things! It is great when you open up the UMAs and Skills Builders and see how these link across the programme and the badge, plus the additional activities we can plan around these – bringing so much diversity with our offer.

Our region Super Rainbows event is nearly here! And it is fantastic that we’ve had so much interest and engagement from our Rainbow units. I look forward to seeing and hearing all about the adventures and fun the Rainbows will be having when taking part. We have also this time, reached out to Rainbows members on the waiting list, and been overwhelmed by the response. A huge thank you to the team who have worked hard putting this together, our region delivery team and volunteers working together as on to ensure its all planned and delivered on time. So, to everyone taking part in our region Super Rainbows event, explore the box of activities, have fun, and have a super time!

Keep Smiling
