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Blog / November 22nd, 2021

Help – my unit needs more money

In the latest in our series of support blogs, we have asked leaders to share what has worked for them when fundraising as well as pulling together all you need to know about applying for grants.

Fundraising Guide

There is a wealth of resources available to leaders on the topic of fundraising, both internally produced by Girlguiding and from external organisations. However, with volunteer time so precious, we appreciate that sometimes you just need to know where to find the information you need quickly, what has worked for other leaders, and some ready-to-go resources.

Download our Fundraising Guide from our member support resources section.

Internal Grants

There are various grants available both from Girlguiding and Girlguiding Anglia. Amongst others, grants are available for unit recovery, new unit support, accessible guiding, and international travel.

Find out if your unit, you, or your members are eligible by visiting the following sites: – making guiding happen – running your unit – member support – grants and applications

External grants

There are many external grant funds available to Youth Groups including Girlguiding units. To help you find these more quickly and easily we’ve begun compiling these on our website. If you know of other grants you have been successful with, please let us know and we can add them to the page to be shared with members across the region. – member support – grants and applications – external grant funds

Find our previous leader support blogs here

Help – I need more girls

Help – I need more leaders