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Blog / December 10th, 2019

How to travel internationally with Girlguiding Anglia

There are so many opportunities open to girls and leaders within Girlguiding, including the chance to travel abroad! There are trips available within a District, Division, county, region, and even nationally.

Our opportunities

  • International Community Experience (ICE) trips (ages 11+)
  • Region trips (ages 14-18)
  • You can apply for a Girlguiding Opportunities Linked with Development (GOLD) (ages 18-30)

As a leader, you can lead a trip if you have the correct qualification, or assist and work towards your own qualification.

International Community Experience (ICE) trips

ICE trips give a taste of international travel for Guides. The trips take place over two years, starting with a weekend residential within the region, meeting other guides of a similar age and learning about Girlguiding internationally. Following the weekend, Guides are invited on a trip that involves using a passport to travel (this could be within the UK or Europe), and feature a community service element. In previous years trips have visited Denmark, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Belgium.

“I would 100% recommend it for others as it’s a great experience and it really helped me with my independence”, says Chloe from Cambridge West about her trip to Denmark with ICE in 2018.

Region trips

The Region trip process requires going through a selection by your county and then another selection weekend for region. The weekend involves challenging yourself and finding out more about travel. You could be selected for a trip to an International Jamboree with the chance to meet many international Guides; a trip to one of the five Girlguiding centres; or the opportunity to take part in a service project such as in Romania where we’ve supported a summer school for the past five years.

“A year ago, I didn’t even know about this trip… never even dreamt of being able to go abroad with Girlguiding – only being a young leader for Brownies”, says Melek from Lincolnshire South about her trip to Our Chalet in Switzerland in 2019. “Within a year I have attended two selection days, fundraised over £1,500 and had the most amazing ten days I could’ve ever asked for”.

Leader opportunities

For any leaders interested, you can attend our international afternoon tea in May 2020 to find out more about what is involved, the responsibilities, the great experiences others have had and how you can be involved for trips in 2021 and beyond.

Dawn from Bedfordshire, who lead the trip to Our Chalet in Switzerland in 2019 says, “From the beginning to the end it had been a real journey of discovery! Plans are already being discussed for another trip to Our Chalet for my local Guide units as this is just the beginning of my international travels with Girlguiding.”

What’s next?

If this has piqued your interest in traveling internationally with Girlguiding Anglia, please email Becky Sibanda at

Adventure is out there!
