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Blog / January 12th, 2021

Top tips to get started with virtual guiding

What a year 2020 was! Many units in Anglia started meeting virtually, which was fantastic and a few were even able to meet face to face outdoors or indoors. If your new year’s resolution is to give virtual guiding a go then here are our top tips to get you started:

  • Why are rising to this new challenge? Is it to catch up with your young member? Is it to give them support and a distraction during a tough time? Or is it because you want to challenge yourself to something new this year? Whatever the reason there is a wealth of information and other members to support you. Read through Girlguiding’s advice for online guiding.


  • Every meeting, whether virtual or face to face, needs at least one leader with Safe Space Level 3, book your place here if you don’t have this training already.



  • Subscribe to YouTube channels for activities to easily share. Ours is here and we recommend watching with a comforting mug of hot chocolate 😊


  • Read our software guides to help you decide which virtual platform is right for you.
  • Explore some options for adapting the Girlguiding programme to suit online guiding. How could your members choose their own activities? Could they simply vote with their hands up or down or would you like to use the software features to do a poll?