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Blog / May 24th, 2023

Moving on up

In 2022 a group of Queen’s Guides in Anglia formed a project group to review and develop supporting materials for leaders or local commissioners to use to support young members to transition between sections.

Over our June, July and August Signpost newsletter, we will be launching these newly branded resources.

In June, you can expect a helpful flowchart overviewing the process and some template letters you can use, either as the leader moving your members up or as a template to be given to your feeder units.

In July, more information will follow for young members moving on at 18 and further transitions leaflets.

In August, we plan to launch the brilliant challenge pack our volunteers have created for all sections.

Keep visiting the resources section of our website and the member support section to access these new resources.


Here, our group of Queens Guides introduce you to their resources:

Have you got a young member in your unit ready to transition to the next section?

There are lots of resources and support on offer for you, the young member, and their parent.

Moving up in sections can be a daunting process for many.

For members who don’t know what to expect, for parents who need to learn more about the section, and for leaders who need to support the move.

Why not think about having a transition week in your division or district?

We would recommend working within your area to support young members with the move. Within this week you could:

  • Offer a taster session at your unit for the section below your own
  • Have your commissioners pop by to help with information for parents/guardians
  • Complete elements of the transition badges
  • Provide letters to members in your unit about the nearby units
  • Run activities in your meeting about future opportunities in Girlguiding

On the Girlguiding Anglia website, you will find the following resources:

  • A letter template – in this resource, you can fill in the relevant spaces with details about available sections for the young member to join. We hope this will provide you with a structure for the information needed by parents and guardians.
  • A transition challenge pack – we all love an opportunity to add a badge to our blanket! Available for all young members when they transition from one section to the next this will give you all the information you need to support members to complete each badge.