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Blog / February 29th, 2024

Uniformed Youth Fund – March 2024

We’re coming to the end of the first year of our project made possible by the Uniformed Youth Fund. In this blog I’m looking back to what we’ve achieved in that time. I’m also looking forward to what’s to come in year 2 as we welcome more 10-18 year olds and help them learn that girls can do anything.

In February, I shared the great news that we have met our target to increase the number of spaces we have available to girls in existing units. We’ve smashed that target by creating 811 new spaces. This month, I can share that we have met our target to welcome 65 new volunteers in project areas – in fact, we have welcomed 75! Our final target to achieve is to open 14 new Guide or Ranger units and we’re at 9 so far. Read this interview with newly opened 1st Thedwastre Guides, it’s still one of my highlights of last year.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve agreed financial support for 29 different units that have been part of the project. That’s a total of over £6,000 granted to support them this coming term. It’s been a busy month so I’m grateful for the extra day with the leap day!

Here’s what is coming in year 2 of the project:

March 2024 onwards – we’ll open 5 more Guide or Ranger units.

We’ll continue with our volunteer recruitment campaign by supporting county shows in the summer and freshers fairs in the autumn. I’ll support local divisions with their recruitment activities and we’ll provide training to help volunteers welcoming new recruits. Take a look at our 4 steps to recruitment success training for an example. (Bookings for the next training, close on 5 March.)

Summer term – we’ll launch a new unit support pack

Spring term 2025 – we’ll offer financial support for eligible units for subscription fees.

If you’ve enjoyed this blog and would like to read more about the project head to our first blog.

Last month’s blog, next month’s blog.

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