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Blog / March 28th, 2024

Uniformed Youth Fund – April 2024

We’re officially at the end of year 1 of the project but it will take a few more weeks to finish counting up all the new spaces we’ve created for Guides and Rangers. In the last month though, we’ve opened another new unit. Welcome to 1st Chiswell Green Guides, we hope you have had a great first half-term. They are our 10th new Guide or Ranger unit in the project. We’re aiming for 14 new units in total.

In last month’s blog I wrote about the £6000 financial support for units with subscription costs. In March, we were able to offer nearly £4000 in Girlguiding vouchers to support units that have increased their capacity. These have been spent on a whole range of things from uniform for new young leaders and unit helpers to promise badges and handbooks for new Guides. More than 1 unit are buying this term’s badges with their vouchers. They will then spend the money they would have spent on badges on items from their wish list to support their growing unit.

Spring is a time of change and new growth and that is definitely true for guiding as well as nature. I enjoyed reading Girlguiding’s new support page for parents and carers. It tells adults everything they need to know about their child’s Girlguiding experience. From where to go for support to what our programme looks like and how parents and carers can support the unit and their child get the most out of their time with us.

Our membership experience survey is also a chance for us to reflect and grow. We heard over 750 responses between December 2023 and February 2024.  Do head over to our blog where we share what we’ve heard from our members and what we’ve done in response. This will always be the place to see the small ways that Girlguiding Anglia serves you, our amazing volunteers.

If you’ve enjoyed this blog and would like to read more about the project head to our first blog.

Last month’s blog, next month’s blog.

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